What I'm Doing —
Budfunding Facebook Live Sessions
I'm excited to share that I'm doing Facebook Live video sessions every Wednesday at 12pm MST (11am PST, 1pm CST, 2pm EST) on Budfunding's Sustainability Facebook Group. Catch me live or watch the replay and make sure you leave me a comment so I can respond to you directly during the live, or after the video is posted. My goal is to make these sessions as interactive as possible. During each live, I will be focusing on a different topic. The first session was around how to lower your home energy usage, and the second session was on proper ways to recycle tricky items. See you live next Wednesday!

What I'm Watching
The Biggest Little Farm
This docu movie follows two dreamers and their beloved dog when they make a choice that takes them out of their tiny L.A. apartment and into the countryside to build one of the most diverse farms of its kind in complete coexistence with nature. If you ever thought about starting your own farm, have an interest in permaculture or want to see baby piglets being born the Biggest Little Farm was made for you!

What I'm Listening To —
Sound of a Dying Glacier
This is wild. In near real time, in downtown Calgary, you can hear the Bow Glacier slowly melting away as part of a permanent art instillation. The sounds of the glaciers movements are captured by sensors which are relayed from a seismic observatory on the Bow Glacier (135 miles from Calgary). Through the effects of climate change, you can hear the glacier slowly melting away.

What I'm Amazed By —
22 Inventions That Are Saving The Earth
Because we all need the reminder that good things are happening right now. From whirlpool turbines to edible cutlery, water blobs, and package-free shampoo and toothpaste, here is a list of 22 inventions that could help us cut back on plastic, reduce garbage in the sea, and make the Earth a better place.

Quote That Makes So Much Sense —
Quality is an investment in the future. ~Unknown

December's Hot Tip —
Nothing is worse than getting a gift you are never going to use. If you are struggling with what to get someone who is on your list the best thing to get them is a consumable. This means something they can use or consume with no trace of it left behind. Here are some great examples: infused vinegars or olive oils, loose leaf teas, spice mixes, a workshop or course.

That's about it for me. If you have any feedback, a favourite part or suggestion to share about the above please let me know. Also, if you have any suggestions for future "What I'm Budding About" newsletters I'd love to hear them. Have a wonderful week and let's keep creating a green future together!

The future is bright,
