Quote I'm Thinking About
“Destroying rainforest for economic gain is like burning a Renaissance painting to cook a meal.” ~Edward O. Wilson

What I'm Watching—
People are Planting Tiny Urban Forests
How much space do you think you need to grow a forest? If your answer is bigger than a couple of tennis courts, think again. Miniature forests are springing up on patches of land in urban areas around the world, often planted by local community groups using a method inspired by Japanese temples.

The idea is simple – take brownfield sites, plant them densely with a wide variety of native seedlings, and let them grow with minimal intervention. The result, according to the method’s proponents, is complex ecosystems perfectly suited to local conditions that improve biodiversity, grow quickly and absorb more CO2.

What I'm Getting Ready to Do —
Garden Winterization
Not yet but in a few weeks annual vegetables will be nearing the end of their lifespan. After the rush of spring planting and the peak of summer’s harvest, it’s tempting to shut the garden gate and let nature take its course. After all, you’ve done the heavy spring lifting and reaped summer’s benefits. What more is needed now that fall is here?

The answer depends on how much easier you’d like things to be when spring rolls around. A few careful steps executed now will save you effort in the long run. If you would like to reduce the amount of work facing you during next year’s spring frenzy, consider some of these suggestions for putting your garden to bed.

How I'm Supporting Local —
Alberta Farmers' Market Directory
This site is so handy! Buying from your local farmer is a great way to support our local economy. Check out this website to find a farmers' market near you with all the market details. Do you have a favourite market not on the list? Let me know, I'm always on the hunt for a new discovery!

What I Learned Recently —
For the last few years I've been purchasing a discovery pass from Parks Canada. I think this is a fairly common purchase for anyone in Calgary or surrounding Alberta. This pass allows entrance into more than 100 National Parks, National Marine Conservation Areas and National Historic Sites across Canada and the money from the sales is invested into these parks and facilities. Unfortunately this year I lost my pass, ugh I thought I was going to have to drop another $140! Not to worry though, what I found out is that if you lose your discovery pass you can replace it for $15 if you show any information centre your paper receipt.

September's Tip —
Food waste tip! Did you know you can freeze avocados? When an avocado is ripe and you're not able to eat it, you can put it in the freezer. When you're ready to eat it, take it out and run it under hot water and then let it sit for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes if you can press your fingers into it you're good to go! Slice the skin in quarters and then peel it away. Video tutorial HERE.

That's about it for me. If you have any feedback, a favourite part or suggestion you'd like to share about the above please let me know. Have a wonderful week and let's keep creating a green future together.

The future is bright,
